Energy Sources

fotowoltaika na dachu na wsi

Photovoltaic installations

Fotowoltaics is a technology that allows solar energy to be converted into electricity. This means that by having a photovoltaic installation, we utilize renewable energy sources (RES) and significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Are you concerned about the environment in your area and want to minimize the costs associated with electricity? Don’t hesitate to invest in your home’s renewable energy source.

The photovoltaic installation services we offer:

instalacja banku energii

Energy storage facilities

Energy storage systems provide security in case of grid failures and enable optimal utilization of electricity generated by a photovoltaic installation. Store energy in batteries and don’t worry about power outages.

Car charging stations

Charging stations for electric cars are compatible with various models of electric vehicles. Chargers are increasingly appearing in public spaces and are publicly accessible, but charging electric cars at home is much easier than you think.

instalacja pompy ciepła przy domu

Heat pumps

Heat pumps are efficient devices that can be used for heating homes as well as cooling during the summer months. They utilize the energy contained in the air, water, or ground, making them more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient than traditional heating systems. They are an excellent example of renewable energy technology for domestic purposes.

mała turbina wiatrowa

Wind turbines

The energy obtained through home wind turbines can successfully power basic household appliances and lighting, and even be used to heat water. Due to its properties, it is considered to be an ideal complement for those with a photovoltaic installation.

Energy management systems

Energy management system is typically designed to achieve the highest level of energy efficiency by optimizing energy consumption. Modern, cloud-based energy management systems provide the ability for remote control. These systems can collect detailed real-time data for each piece of equipment and generate insights on the most attractive energy-saving opportunities.

OFF GRID Installations

Instalacja off-grid, zwana także systemem wyspowym, charakteryzuje się całkowitym oderwaniem od zewnętrznych sieci energetycznych. To rozwiązanie, które pozwala budynkowi funkcjonować samodzielnie, niezależnie od sieci energetycznych. Wydajność produkcji energii w ciągu roku podlega wahaniom, co sprawia, że niezależność wymaga znalezienia inteligentnego rozwiązania. Musi ono umożliwić gromadzenie nadmiaru energii w okresie intensywnego nasłonecznienia latem, a także wykorzystanie jej zimą, kiedy panele fotowoltaiczne działają mniej efektywnie.

If you are interested in our services - call us: +48 508 271 556 (ALTECH Power) or call:

Start your new project with ALTECH Groupa.

CEO Dariusz Wyleżoł

Dariusz Wyleżoł


Mirosław Bucholc


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